M ealBalance® Ecologicalerythritolsweetener 100% natural,calorie-free M adeinAustria •100% natural •doesnotcontaincalories •doesnotcausea suddenincreaseinsugar •doesnotafectthe bloodsugarlevel •doesnotfaten •canreduce cardiovascularrisks •doesnotafecttheteeth anddoesnotincreasethe riskofcaries The natural sweetenercaled erythritolhas m anybenefits: •100% natural •withoutdyes •no artif icialf lavours The erythritolisanaturalsweetener,ittastesand lookslike sugar,butwithnosideefects.Becauseitisvegananddoes notcontaincalories,lactoseandgluten,itcanbeconsumed withoutproblems by diabetic people,those on dietand most importantly it does not cause the appearance of caries.The Organic sweetener based on erythritol Meal Balance® can be used asclas icsugarin the preparation of confectionery, cooking, sweetening beverages or food preservation. The sweetening power is about 70% comparedtothatoftheclas icsugar. 200 g € 10.99 M ealBalance® ECO instantcereal drink w ith chicory idealalternativefortea,cofeeandcocoa The Organicinstantcerealdrinkw ith chicoryM eal Balance® isan excelentsubstitute forone ofthe mostconsumeddrinksintheworld,cofee.Chicory can be the daily morning drink! Chicory is consideredan excelentnaturalremedy,duetoits properties.Itcan be consumed both before meal and thus prevents indigestion and bloating,and throughoutthe day by invigorating the mind and thepsyche. M adeinSw itzerland 50 g € 9.99 Unrefined Organic Brown Sugar, Life Care® 100% natural MadeinRomania 100 g € 0.99 144 NUTRITIONANDSPORT 1312 7808 1322