Cofee forlife Ganoderm a® Strong Ganoderm a ECO Cofee Life Care® Cup The cafeine stimulates the functions of the heart, circulation and the m etabolism. The certif ied organic ganoderma,ensures superior kidney protection and an increased im m unity, defense, as wel as the level of antioxidants, who are running as a barier against the premature aging proces es. M adeinSw itzerland Cofee forlife Ganoderma® MagicEnergy ECO Cofee This 100% certif ied ORGANIC ingredients are an additionalguaranteeofqualityandhealth! The ganoderma and ginseng are wel-known for theirtonic and restorative efect,removing the sensation of tirednes ,and stimulating of the im m une system and the heartactivity,butalso to slow downtheproces ofprematureaging. M adeinSw itzerland *f ixprice 50 g € 15.49 50 g € 15.49 € 6.99 145 NUTRITIONANDSPORT 7805 7887 7806