Life Care Catalog Spring – Summer 2023 Issue -EN

CannabiCalm bodybuter, with CBD 1000 m g,Life Care® relaxesm uscles COSMOS ORGANIC € 16.99 29% DISCOUNT 100 ml Coconut oil Shea butter Hemp seed oil Sunflower oil Inca oil Vitamin E concentrated product The CannabiCalm body buter,with CBD 1000 mg,Life Care® hasa concentrated and ultra-m oisturizing form ula based on organic oils.Itis idealforrelieving any jointormuscle discomfortand forskin care. Its consistency is suitable for mas agingthearms,legs,neckandback, takes care of the joints, removes the feeling of heavy and tired legs and im provesbloodcirculation. MadeintheEU W hatisCBD? CBD istheabbreviationfor Cannabidiol-anon-psychoactive extractfrom theCannabisplant,also knownashemp. Scientif icstudiesshow the efectivenes ofCBD from amedical perspective,asitisusedtomanage neurologicaldisorders,suchas epilepsy,anxietyanddepres ion.Itis alsousedtorelievepain, inf lammation,insomniaandmany more.CBD isfoundinvariousforms, such asoils,capsules,cream s, ointments. W hich are the benefitsofCBD? CBD hasmanywel-documented healthbenef its.Them ainbenef its includerelievingpainand inf lam m ation,supportingm ental healthandwel-being,improvingskin health,protectingthebrain, supportingthedigestivefunction,the cardiovascularsystem ,andthe reproductivehealth. W hatisthe diference between CBD and THC? Tetrahydrocannabinol–abbreviated THCispartofthevariouschem ical compoundscaledcannabinoidsfound inthecannabisplant.THCisa psychoactive substance,i.e.itcan changethemood,andCBD isthe exactopposite-itdoesnotcause 4055 14 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY