Life Care Catalog Spring – Summer 2023 Issue -EN

€ 12.99 200 ml Sham poo with BIO aloe vera and olive oil, EQUILIBRIUM, Life Care® deeplynourishes the hair 21300 Showergel with BIO aloe vera and lavender, EQUILIBRIUM, Life Care® gentlycaresfor the skin € 7.99 50 ml 21301 Rol-on deodorant with BIO aloe vera and rosem ary, EQUILIBRIUM, Life Care® complieswith skinphysiology € 10.99 200 ml 21302 NEW! Experiencethepowerofnature withtheNEW EQUILIBRIUM rangeofproducts! THEBESTCARE FORYOURBODY! Mind& Bodyin EQUILI BRIUM oraces oursite: Cal CenterLife Care®: 0 40-256-2 .8 .3 0 40-720-2 .8 .3 0 40-742-2 .8 .3 Monday-Thursday 08:30–17:00(GMT+2) Friday 08:30–14:30(GMT+2) w w /EN Name Partnercode Telephone E-mail Do you wantto be happier? Contactthepersonwhohandedyou thispublication! Join andhavethechanceto m akesubstantialsavings,to earnextraincomeorevento startaturnkeybusines ! YOU also have the rightto HAPPINES !Stop thinking and take the firststep! ContactTODAYthepersonwho handedyouthispublication! Code:9489 32% DISCOUNT 31% DISCOUNT 33% DISCOUNT