Life Care Catalog Spring – Summer 2023 Issue -EN

•tonesand refreshes •softensthe roughskinofthe heels •speedsupthe regeneration proces •im provesm icrocirculation •healssmalwounds •regulatesperspiration •ac eleratesregeneration •muscletonic 17 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY € 7.49 250 ml TheBIO eucalyptusandpeppermintextractin thefootlotioncanhelpthem relax,providinga coolingsensationandelim inatingthediscom fort ofpainfulcaluses. Made in Germany FootLotion,with BIO plants,Life Care® relaxing 4301 4330 4459 € 10.49 250 ml Footcream ,with vine leaves and BIO plants,Life Care® im proving circulation W ithvineextract,w ildchestnut,evening prim roseoilandoliveoil,thecream helpsto im provebloodcirculationandac eleratesthe regenerationoftheepidermis. The solution thatrestoresthe beautyand energyofyourfeet! M adeinGermany Kom fortRol with BIO plants,Life Care® lightfeetfeeling € 10.49 40 ml Ithelpstoremovethesensationsof fatigueandheavines ofthelegsby stim ulating blood circulation. Based on a unique complex of organic plants such as aloe vera, olives, rosem ary, lavender, shea buterand wheat,the KomfortRol acts in depth and provides toned skinandlightfeet. M adeinItaly •immediateefect •easytouseandcary