Life Care Catalog Spring – Summer 2023 Issue -EN

60% DISCOUNT in Month 4 of the W elcomeProgram!Detailsonpage150-151 Zinc,Life Care® activatesthecelularfunctions Zincisamineraltraceelementwhichises entialtothebodyandis importantin:its growth and development,in neurologicaland reproductive functions,butespecialy in supporting the immune system. Zinchasan es entialrole in: •the properfunctioning ofthe immune system and the celular metabolism and rejecting pathogens,thus reducing the severity anddurationofviralinfectiousdiseasesorcolds •m aintainingtheactivesensessuchastasteandsm el •bone formation and tis ue growth -zinchelpsabsorb calcium in the bones,thusmaintaining theirhealth butalso theirrecoveryin caseoffractures • im proving blood circulation and cognitive functions - zinc maintainsthe balance ofbrain functionsand ises entialin brain development •formationofcolageninorder tom aintainhealthyskin,hair and nails Foranoptimalevelofzinc andahealthybody,acorect andvarieddietisneces ary. M adeinGermany 7074 7072 Quercetin PlusVitam in C,Life Care® improvestheimmunesystem Quercetin is a biof lavonoid,a pigmentpresentin many vegetables,fruits and f lowers.Thisantioxidantsubstanceisveryim portantforthehealthofthebodyand helps reduce free radicals and fatoxidation.Quercetin is found abundantly in capers,red onions,radishes and apples,butthe vegetable with the highest amountofquercetinisredonion,morepreciselythepartfrom therootsandouter layer.The Quercetin PlusVitam in C,Life Im pulse® supplementcontains500mg of quercetinextractedfrom redonionpeeland50mgofVitaminC. Quercetin isa 100% naturaldietary supplem entand isrecom m ended for: •maintainingthehealthoftheimmune, respiratoryandcardiovascularsystem •reductionofoxidativestres •reductionofinf lam m ationandalergic m anifestations Vitam in Cisone ofthe m ostim portant vitam insneeded bythe hum an body: •helpssupporttheimmunesystem •isasupportinpreventingandrelievingthe sym ptom sofcoldandf lu •protectsthebodyagainstoxidativestres M adeinGermany € 13.99 30capsules € 5.99 30tablets 20% DISCOUNT 24 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY