Life Care Catalog Spring – Summer 2023 Issue -EN

The LarynxForte, throat spray, with BIO marigolds, Life Care® contributes to m aintaining the health of the oral cavity, through the protective action and by aleviating the specif ic sym ptom s of the iritatedthroat. The multiple action ofthe ingredientssuch as BIO marigolds,cinnamon,mintandeucalyptus givesa quick efectby acting directly on the iritatedarea. M ethodofadm inistration: itisrecommendedto administer1-3pufsby pres ingthecontainer maximum 3timesaday, dependingontheneed. Recommendedonlyfor personsfrom 3yearsof age. M adeinItaly LarynxForte,throatspray, with BIO m arigolds,Life Care® protectsthethroatandoralcavity € 9.49 20 ml 7085 29 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY € 5.49 30g(20X1.5g) A deliciousmix offruitand ginger,w hich gives vitality to the body and increases the physical and mental performance. Ginger has tonic and energizing properties,helps eliminate toxins from the body and stim ulates blood circulation to the brain.Orangesare a rich source ofvitam in C and helpstrengthentheimmune system,beingagoodalyof thebodyinthecoldseason. Method ofpreparation:For one serving,use a sachet overwhich250mlofboilng water is added. Leave to infuse for15 minutes,after which itcan be consumed. Dosage:2-3cupsaday. MadeinUE Organicteawith ginger and oranges,forenergy, Life Care® -food supplem ent energizesandvitalizes the body 567 14% DISCOUNT 8% DISCOUNT