31 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY 477 476 431 € 16.99 TheBIO syrupwithfennelandthym e,LifeCare® is a therapeuticproductforthethroatandairways.The syrupisacom binationoff inehoneyfrom f lowers, withfennelandthymeoil,hasacalmingefectandis anaturalaidincasesofcoughoriritation.Itdoesnot containadditives,artif icialf lavors,dyesand sweeteners. Thesyruphasexceptionalefectsontherespiratory system ,actsin case of drycough,hoarsenes , laryngitisandthroat inf lam m ation. M adeinGermany BIO syrup with fennel and thym e,Life Care® f ightsof drycough 250 ml GLUTEN FRE NO DYESOR PRESERVATIVES Echinacea has been used for thousands of yearsformedicinalpurposesthanksto itsincredible properties. Ac ordingtoexperts,echinaceaappearstoactivate chemicalsin the body thathelp reduce certainiritations,therebyreducingcoldsym ptoms.Itcontainsseveralchemicalcompounds thatstimulatetheimmunesystem. •eliminatethefeelingof discomfortwhencoughing •calm the respiratory tract •haveemolientaction •supportthe body Made in Belgium Made in Belgium The word sage com es from the Latin "salvare" whichmeanstosave. In antiquity, sage was considered a panacea, being used in the treatment ofmore than 60 diseases. Sage isone ofthe bestnaturalremedieswe can usetotreatthroatandpharynxproblems. Ifyou don'tfeelwel and face discomfortin the throat,youcanturntothenaturalsolution–drops withBIO sage. •relievethroatand pharynxinf lam m ation •easebreathingby decongestingthe pharynx •reducetheamountof secretions •supporttheimmune system Throatdrops,with BIO sage,Life Care® keepthethroatandpharynxhealthy Cough drops,with BIO echinacea,Life Care® helpsoothethroatiritations andcoughs € 3.99 45 g € 3.99 45 g NEW!