DE-ÖKO-007 30tablets € 9.99 45capsules € 13.99 40 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY 7038 7036 OrganicPure M oringa,Life Care® generaltonic M oringa Oleifera isthe so caled M iraculousTree.Itisnamed like this because everypartofthistree hasbenef icialpropertiesforthe human body.TheleavesandseedoftheMoringatreecontaincompoundswith anti-bacterialproperties,18am ino-acids,46anti-oxidantsandm inerals and vitaminses entialforthe organism.Itissaid thatMoringa cures over300ilnes es,duetotheextremelyhighnutrientcontent. 1-2capsulesperdayarerecommended,topersonsover16yearsofage. M adeinGermany OPCAntioxidant,with grape seed extract,Life Care® cardiovascularprotectorandantiaging Antioxidants arevitaminsandmineralswhichhelpthe organism againstfre radicals. Free radicals are the main cause ofcel oxidation and ifthey are notkeptin check by antioxidants, can afectthe immune system and therefore the entireorganism OPC Antioxidant,with grape seed extract,Life Care® is a strong antioxidant, with a broad spectrum ofefectson the organism.Ac ording to researchers,theentireforceofgrapesiscontained intheseed. 1-2capsulesperday arerecommended,to personsover16years of age. M adeinGermany