Life Care Catalog Spring – Summer 2023 Issue -EN

€ 7.99 30capsules 30capsules € 7.99 FerVit,with BIO acerola, Life Care® importantsourceofiron MagicE,with m agnesium and vitam in E,Life Care® complexofM agnesium andVitaminE BasedonaM agnesium andEvitamincomplex,it isbenef icialtothevascularsystem ,andforthe stabilzationofthebloodpres ure. -strongantioxidant -greatefectsonskin -helpsnew celsformation -magnesium helpscalcium as imilationinthe bones -relaxesmuscles -reducescholesterolevel -regulatesintestinaltransit Dosage:2capsulesperdayforpersonsaged over 12 M adeinGermany A productbasedonBIO ferouslactate,an importantsourceofIron,themainresponsible foroxygentransportationthroughtheorganism. -preventsfatigue -Cvitam instim ulatesironabsorptioninthe intestines -suitableforphysicalyactivepersonsand athletes -suitableforvegetariansorvegans Dosage:1-2capsuleforpersonsover12 M adeinGermany Vitam in EForte,soft capsules,Life Care® reducesoxidativestres Vitamin E is a powerfulantioxidantin the body and helpsprotectcelsfrom oxidative stres, regulates cholesterol levels, maintains the health ofblood ves els and keepsskinhealthy. The antioxidantproperties ofvitamin E are importantin protecting celmembranes,has an important role in the metabolism of proteins,carbohydratesand lipidsand hasa benef icialinf luence on the nervoussystem . Anotherimportantrole ofvitamin Eisthatit intervenes in the reproductive proces and ensures the normalfunctioning ofthe sex glands. Itisrecommended 1capsuleper dayfrom 16 yearsofage Made in Germany 55% DISCOUNT in Month 3 of the W elcomeProgram!Detailsonpage150-151 € 13.99 30capsules 42 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY 1597 1581 7063 13% DISCOUNT