Life Care Catalog Spring – Summer 2023 Issue -EN

DiabForm ,with m om ordica and alpha lipoicacid,Life Care® suitableforpersonswithdiabetes Theproductbasedonawonderfulplant, Momordicaor"bitercucumber",helpsdecrease cholesteroland triglycerides,thanksto the rich content. antiparasitic,fortifying and antiviralefect slowsdowndiabetesevolution containedpolypeptidesaresim ilartoinsulin helpsincaseofincreasedcholesterol,pancreatitis ordiabetes Personsover15arerecommended 1-2capsulesperday. M adeinGermany 30capsules € 12.49 Turm eriCool,with piperine and curcum in,Life Care® removestoxinsfrom thebody The TurmeriCool, with piperine and curcumin, Life Care®, a supplementwith aproportion of95% curcumin,the PUREextractof turm eric,butalso with a specialrecipe,a com bination thatgreatly increasesthe eff iciency ofthe ingredientin the body.Bioperine or piperine is a black pepper extract that helps the as imilation of curcumin in the blood,increasing itsbiovalidity by up to 2000% .Of Asian origin,turm eric can increase the liver's abilty to elim inate toxins,can improve blood circulation,neuronalproces es and can have hepatoprotective properties*. It can have antioxidant, antibacterialandanti-inf lam m atorybenef its. Itisrecommended1capsuleperday,aftermeals,forpeopleover15 yearsofage. M adeinGermany COMPLEX FORMULA: CURCUMIN + PIPERINE = INCREASED EFFECT! COMPLEX FORMULA € 14.99 20capsules 46 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY 7012 7530