Life Care Catalog Spring – Summer 2023 Issue -EN

ProstaNEW,with pine phytosterolsand pum pkin seeds,Life Care® m aintainstheurinarytracthealth Prostatediseasesisaverydiscus ed topicnowadays.Regardles ofyour age,itisim portanttoknow in advancewhatroleithasinyour bodyandwhatstepsyouneedto taketopreventthevariousdiseases. Almenareexposedtotheriskof prostatediseases,butonlyafew maydevelopproblems,asthe prostateglandgrowsovertime,and thisnaturalenlargementofthe prostatecancausediscom fort.Other factorsm aybe:geneticfactors,age, hormonalstatusordiet. 2capsules/dayafterm eals.Itis recommendedonlytopersons beginningwiththeageof16years old. M adeinGermany 30capsules € 14.49 9% DISCOUNT 3% DISCOUNT UroBlock Com plex, with D-m annose and cranberies, Life Care® optimalfunctioningofthe urinarysystem The urinary tractinfection is caused by the presence ofpathologicalgerms in the urinary tract. The most afected peopleareespecialywomen,butitcan alsobefoundinmenastheygetolder. UroBlockComplex,withD-mannoseand cranberies, Life Care® is based on a special formula that combines ingredients such as D-Mannose, cranberies and Vitamin C,known for theirbenef icialefectsonthebody. UroBlockComplex,withD-mannoseand cranberies, Life Care® contributes to keep the urinary tract healthy and im provestheactivityofthebladder. Administer2capsules/day. Recommendedonlyforpersonsfrom the ageof16. M adeinGermany 30capsules € 15.49 7052 7048 49 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY