Life Care Catalog Spring – Summer 2023 Issue -EN

€ 7.49 30capsules Ginkgo Biloba,with lecithin,Life Care® im provescirculation The generous combination of ginkgo biloba and lecithin im provescirculation,m entalfunctionsand hasabenef icialrole invasodilation. The ginkgo extract has an efect on blood circulation disorders: inthebrainandextrem ities, improves energy metabolism in the brain by increasing the uptakeofglucoseandmolecularoxygen, andattheocularlevelincreasesvisualacuity inhibitsplateletactivationfactor,w hichreducesthetendency todevelopbloodclots. Itisrecommendedonecapsuleper dayforpeopleover15yearsofage. M adeinGermany 7600 756 € 7.49 30capsules Garlicand Parsley,Life Care® lowersbloodpres ureandcholesterol The Garlicand Parsleyusesthe propertiesofgarlicand parsley,thatare known for their benef icial efects in lowering blood pres ure and cholesterol.Thecomplexofingredientscanstabilzehighbloodpres ure and disintegrate cholesterol deposits on the vascular wals. It can stim ulatethebodyinthef ightagainstbacteriaandviruses.Itcanhavea detoxifying efect,in the intestine,due to itsantiseptic and alkalizing properties.BIO garlicisapowerfulantibioticthathelpspreventarterial diseases, while parsley has antioxidant, diuretic efect and helps invascularwalregeneration. lowersbloodpres ure lowerscholesterolevels Itisrecommended1-2capsules perdayforpeopleover15 yearsofage. M adeinGermany 52 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY