Life Care Catalog Spring – Summer 2023 Issue -EN

€ 12.49 30capsules € 8.69 ArtroLife,with green shel extract,Life Care® forjointelasticity The green mus elPerna Canaliculuscomesfrom New Zealandandrepresentsanimportantsource ofOm ega3 fatacids,vitam insandm inerals,w ith positive efects on the inf lammatory proces es from the organism and on diferent joint disorders. improvesjointmobilty protectsandhelpsregeneratingthe spinalcolumnafectedbytheagingproces eff icientaidforjointpainorinf lam m ations Personsover15arerecommended 1capsuleperday. M adeinGermany Calcium and Magnesium CoralCom plex,Life Care® m aintainstheskeletalsystem The Calcium and Magnesium Coral Com plex, Life Care® is a supplement neces ary formaintaining the health of the skeletalsystem and teeth, which contributesto the normalfunctioning of the muscular system, energy metabolism and the normalfunctioning ofdigestiveenzymes. Itisrecommended one capsule perday forpeopleover15yearsofage. M adeinGermany 30capsules 766 774 56 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY