30capsules € 10.99 30capsules € 15.99 NeuroBoosterCom plex, with Brahm iextractand L-Tryptophan,Life Care® improvesmemoryandfocus The centralnervoussystem ismade up ofthe brain and spinalcord,and the nerve cel is caled the neuron.The brain is a very active organ and isthe controlcenterofthe body.It controls many functions ofthe body such as: heartbeat,walking,generating thoughts and emotions,musclemovements. FabricatînGerm ania The NeuroBoosterCom plex, with Brahm iextractand L-Tryptophan,Life Care®: memoryenhancement focusimprovement optim izationof neurotransmiters andbrainchem istry stres reduction optim izationof wel-being Sunflowerlecithin,softgel capsules,Life Care® improvescognitivefunction Ithelpsinthebrainproces esoflearningand memorizing, as wel as the proper functioningofthenervoussystem. Sunflower lecithin supports intelectual efort,nourishing nerve cels and contains es ential vitamins and minerals for the functioninganddevelopmentofthebody.In particular,itcontainsthefolow ingnutrients: calcium, potasium, phosphorus, iron, choline, inositol, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatyacids. M adeinGermany Itisrecommended 1capsuleaday, forpersonsfrom theageof18years. M adeinGermany 50% DISCOUNT in Month 2 of the W elcomeProgram!Detailsonpage150-151 60 7095 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY 30capsules Cod liveroil,with Om ega 3, vitam insA and D,Life Care® supportsbrainhealth Codliveroil,withOm ega3,vitam insA andD,Life Care® beneficialforbrain and heartbalance! Cod liveroilisan excelentsource ofomega3 faty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoicacid(DHA),vitaminsA andD.Cod liveroilhelpsincrease cognitive performance and supports the im m une and cardiovascularsystem s. Vitamin A (retinol) is es entialfor the health of eyesightand the immune system,and vitamin D helpsmaintainhealthybones,teethandthenormal musclefunction. Method of administration: it is recommended 2 capsulesperdayaftermeal.Itisonlyrecommended forpeoplefrom 16yearsofage. M adeinGermany € 13.99 7641 7046 15% DISCOUNT 13% DISCOUNT 9% DISCOUNT