Life Care Catalog Spring – Summer 2023 Issue -EN

7102 7049 24% DISCOUNT NeurotroFIX w ith citicoline,Life Care® supportsbrainandnervoussystem health 30tablets € 41.99 Life Im pulse® NADH PLUS20mg physicalandm entalenergizer Life Im pulse® NADH Plusisaproductfor thememory,thatiseff icientforpeople goingthroughstres fulorbusyperiods andimprovescognitiveperformance andmemory. Adm inister1tablet/day,sublingualy. Recommendedonlyforpersonsfrom theageof16years. M adeinGermany Citicoline is a chemicalnaturaly presentin the human body in tis ue cels. Despite the fact that our body can produce the substance in smalquantities,itmustbe supplemented through a properdietandfoodsupplements. Citicoline-alsoknownascytidinediphosphatecholineorcytidine 5-diphosphocholine is an intermediate in the generation of phosphatidylcholine from choline,acommon biochemicalproces incelmembranes. Citicoline providesthe basicsubstancesthatm ake up brain cels, beingasourceofcholineandcytidine.Itplaysanes entialrolein the formation and maintenance ofthe structure ofthe protective covering of cels, as wel as in the maintenance of celular functions,includingenergyproduction. The intake ofvitamin B5 maintains the structure and function of the brain, increasesm entalperform ance,provides energy to the body,contributes to the reduction of fatigue and exhaustion. Vitamin B5 also stimulates the production ofneurotransmiterssuch as serotonin,dopamine and GABA,which are es ential in preventing cognitive disorders. Itisrecommended2capsulesperday. M adeinGermany € 21.99 30capsules 62 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY 16% DISCOUNT