Life Care Catalog Spring – Summer 2023 Issue -EN

74 WEIGHTLOS ANDDETOXIFICATION OrganicChlorela,Life Care® es entialnutrients Chlorela isa microalga,which isconsidered to beanaturalsuperfood,extremelynutritiousand rich in proteins,vitam insand m ineralsthatcan be consumed in the form oftablets orpowder addedinvarioussmoothies. ItissaidtobethegreenestalgaonEarth,dueto itsveryhigh chlorophylcontent,itisverysmal and grows in freshwater.The high chlorophyl contenthasamajorrole in the proces esofcel detoxif ication and oxygenation of the body, elim inatingtoxicsubstancesfrom thebody,such as heavy metals,thus improving the immune system. Itisrecommended2-5 tabletsperdayforadults and 1 tabletperdayforchildren from 6 yearsof age. M adeinGermany € 6.99 60tablets DE-ÖKO-007 COLDPRESSED AT 50°C COLDPRESSED AT 50°C AcaiHealthyMix,with BIO acaiand ginger,Life Care® liverprotector BasedonagreatcombinationofAcai extract,papayaanddandelionleaves,the AcaiHealthyM ix,w ithBIO acaiandginger, Life Care® helpsfor: •hepaticprotection •healthyweightlos •improveddigestion Personsover16arerecommended1-2 capsulesperday. M adeinGermany € 8.99 30capsules SuperColon Cleanse,with BIO Psylium husk,Life Care® intestinaldetoxif ier W el-knownfortheirintestinaldetoxif ication properties,thesennaleaves,psylium husk andthefennelseedsaremiraculousinsidethe organism ,agreathelpincaseof: •colondetoxif ication •controlofthe intestinaltransit •laxativeefect •controloftheintestinalfunction Personsover16are recommended1-2 capsulesperday,duringmeals. M adeinGermany € 8.99 30capsules 745 7340 7075