Life Care Catalog Spring – Summer 2023 Issue -EN

946 ml Life Im pulse® ECO Aloe Vera Juice with cranbery flavor detoxif ierandantioxidant € 29.99 473 ml 1000 ml The combination between BIO Aloe Veraand chlorophyl helps prevent anemia, while acting asan intestinaldetoxif ierand protects against infections.The chlorophyl controls the intestinal transit and strengthens the organism against harm ful factors. Persons over 12 are recommended to consume 1 spoon perday,in the morning,on an empty stomach. MadeinUSA Itisagreatsourceofvitam ins andminerals.Itimprovesthe healthofthedigestivesystem , contributestoincreased energy,reducesnauseaand ac eleratestherecoveryof mucousmembranes.It contributestotheelimination oftoxinsac umulatedinthe digestivesystem andtobody detoxif ication. M adeinItaly Life Im pulse® ECO Aloe Vera Juice with cu chlorophyl detoxif ier OrganicJuice,Aloe Vera, with cranbery flavour, Life Care® digestionandimmunity € 29.99 € 29.99 33% DISCOUNT 895 8410 841 75 WEIGHTLOS ANDDETOXIFICATION IT-BIO-008 MadeinUSA lasttim e in catalog NEW!