Life Care Catalog Spring – Summer 2023 Issue -EN

€ 14.49 30capsules Ultim ate LiverSupport,w ith BIO artichoke leaves,Life Care® liverprotector Sanobil,with artichoke, Life Care® artichoke forbilaryprotection The Ultimate Liver Support dietary supplement is based on a complex of ingredients that can help maintain normalliverfunction,promote cholesterol regulation and have benef icialefects in improving digestion. The specialcombination based on BIO artichokes, silymarin, dandelion root and safron has special efectson the hepaticsystem:maintainsthe normal liverfunction;helpsto improve digestion;decreases the riskofatherosclerosis. Itisrecommended1-2capsulesperday,duringmeals, forpeopleover15yearsofage. M adeinGermany Artichoke is used in case of digestive, hepatic or bilary problems. The therapeutic efects of the plant have made it become a useful aid for digestion,in case offunctionalblocking of the galbladder (gal is ues), liver is ues, but also for elim inating toxins from theorganism .Galbladderblockings can be caused bysedentarines ,psychic stres ,butespecialybyadietfulinfats and poorin f ibres. Artichoke stim ulates both an adequate quantity secretion of healthy gal liquid and the gal evacuation. M adeinGermany 5:1 ARTICHOKE EXTRACT – 400 MG 30capsules € 7.99 759 7015 78 WEIGHTLOS ANDDETOXIFICATION