79 WEIGHTLOS ANDDETOXIFICATION The Life Im pulse® DigestionPlusisadietarysupplement that,through its balanced composition,can help the digestion proces in al itsstages:im proving intestinal transitandrestoringthe saprophyticf lora.The product, thatisbasedonpapaya,BIO aloeveraandf laxseeds,is a complex source off ibers and enzymes needed to faciltate digestion: •helpstorestorethesaprophyticf lora •digestiveaid •bowelcleansing Itisrecommended2spoonsperday,forpeopleover12 yearsofage.Itcanbecombinedwithwaterorjuice. MadeinUSA Life Im pulse® Digestion Pluswith aloe vera faciltatesdigestion € 32.99 473 ml 845 55% DISCOUNT in Month 3 of the W elcomeProgram!Detailsonpage150-151 19% DISCOUNT NauseaSTOP,pilsforfree m ovem entLife Care® supportsdigestion € 6.49 30tablets The feeling ofmotion sicknes isa fairly common condition of theinnerear.Thisoc urswhenthereisarepeatedmovementin ameansoftransportthatdisruptstheinnerear. Sym ptom s,notatalpleasant,includenausea,generalm alaise, which are often ac ompanied by abdominal discomfort, vom iting,diz ines ,headache,fatigue,coldsweatsandpalor,a badgeneralconditionofthebody. The combination ofBIO ginger,vitamin B6 and peppermintoil contributesto the properfunctioning ofthe digestive system and providesa state ofwel-being to the body.Itisidealfor rem ovingm otionsicknes duringtransportbycar,plane,trainor ship.Ithelpsreducenausea,exhaustionandgeneralm alaise. M ethodofadm inistration:it isrecommended2capsules perdayaftermeal.Itisonly recommendedforpeople from 16yearsofage. M adeinGermany Idealforrelievingmotionsicknes during transportbycar,plane,trainorship. 7086