Life Care Catalog Spring – Summer 2023 Issue -EN

BearPower® isthe no.1 natural rem edyforrheum aticpain! •actsonthespot •perfectforimproving peripheralcirculation •light,plant-based composition •relievesmuscleandjoint discom fort 45% DISCOUNT in Month 1 of the W elcomeProgram!Detailsonpage150-151 W arm ing Gel,BearPower, w ith BIO plants,Life Care® antirheumaticefect 500 ml Known overthe yearsasthe bestwarming gelin Romania,Bear Powergelstandsoutforitsuniquerecipethatcombinesthenatural powerofplants,including mint,eucalyptus,ginseng and vine, whichcomefrom biologicalycontroledenvironments. Itisspecialydesignedtoaleviatem uscleandjointdiscom fortthat oc urseitherfrom pathologicalcausesorfrom situationssuch as injuriesormuscleoveruse. M adeinGermany Over 5 milion productssold € 17.49 250 ml € 11.99 7 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY 4483 4482