Life Care Catalog Spring – Summer 2023 Issue -EN

Intim ate wash gel,with cham om ile and BIO plants,Life Care® pH specif ictotheintim atearea W ithaPH especialycreatedto protectthem ucosaacidity,the liquidsoapbasedonBIO plants cleansesdelicately,hydratesand protectssensitive skin. •practicaldesign •packagingw ithrotating m etalbals •thermalefect M adeinGermany Deo rol-on,with BIO cham om ile and rosem ary,Life Care® soothesiritatedskin € 7.49 50 ml ThisBIO plantsm ixsoothesiritatedskinafterwaxing, hydratesandprotectstheareaagainstbacteria. Theskingetsaniceandfreshscent,withoutblocking poresorinhibitperspiration. Doesnotcontain alum inum derivativesand artificialdyes. •idealforsensitive skin •actsefectivelyonadiposetis ue •restoresskinf irm nes M adeinGermany Does not contain aluminum derivatives and artificial dyes. ALUMINIUM FRE 4544 € 11.49 500 ml 97 4541 BEAUTYANDPERSONALCARE