£ 9.99 Propolis,Life Care® strengthensimmunity Vitam in C,1000m g, Life Care® prolongedrelease 30capsules £ 8.59 30capsules 737 Propolisissaid to be the mostpowerful natural antibiotic in the world, and certainly the f irstdiscovered by hum ans in history. Propolisisa mixture ofsubstancesfrom nature,colected by bees and stored in the hive:oils,resin,balms,polen and wax. Its amazing antibiotic efectis due to a substance caled galangin,which boosts the resistance ofthe immune system.In addition,propolisisalso rich in vitam ins A, B1, B2, B3 and C, in calcium, m agnesium ,zinc,iron,silcon,potas ium , phosphorusandcopper,butalsoinother es entialm inerals. •strengthensthe immunesystem •protectsthegeneral healthofthebody •rich in vitam ins andminerals M adeinGermany Thedietarysupplement preventsVitaminC def iciency,helpsprotect celsfrom oxidative stres , whilemaintainingthe body'sresistancetovarious diseasesorinfections. M ethodofadministration:1 tabletperday. Recommendedonlyfor personsfrom 16yearsof age. M adeinGermany EchinaPluswith echinacea, propolisand vitam in C,Life Care® supportstheimmunesystem EchinaPlusisadietarysupplementthatofersthe synergicbenef itsofthe triplet consisting ofEchinacea,Propolisand Vitam in Cfrom rosehip,naturalsourcesthat helpthe respiratorysystem,alsoknowsfortheirbenef icialefectson the normal functioningoftheimmunesystem. The recipe also containsa specialnaturalingredient,waterybarkextractofLarix laricina–juniper,withimportantbenef itsfortheimmunesystem. Doesnotcontain potentialyalergenicsubstances! Administer by dis olving in 200 ml of warm water, 1-3 sachets/day. It is recommendedforchildrenover2yearsofage(onesachetperday)andadults. £ 9.99 10sachetsx50g M adeinEU •naturalsolutionagainstcoldsandf lu •supportstheimmunesystem •canbeusedbythewholefamily •quickefect 856 764 24 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY