Life Care Catalogue autumn - winter 2024 - UK

Schisandra,Energizing,Life Care® generaltonic Schisandra,coming from China and Japan,is an aphrodisiac,with great efects in concentration disorders, psychical depres ions and insomnia. Balances the nervous system;improves celular health;improvesref lexions;generaltonic:ithas benef icialefectson the human body,prolonging life and its quality; adaptogen: selectively stimulates body functions by helping it to physicaly,m entaly, im m unitarily adapt;restores thebeautyandshineoftheskinineczem a,rashes, alergiesandotherdermatologicalconditions Persons over15 are recommended 1-2 capsules per day. M adeinGermany 30capsules £ 7.29 7580 HappyDream s,with Schisandra,Noni, Rhodiola and Valeriana,Life Care® stopinsomnia 30capsule £ 12.19 HappyDream s,with Schisandra,Noni,Rhodiola and Valeriana,Life Care® containsa complexofplantsthatinduce a relaxing state and counteractthe efectsofstres , helpingtoeliminateinsomnia. InsomniainLatinmeans"withoutsleep",anditrepresentsthediff icultyinhavinga quietand uninterupted sleep.Sleep isveryimportantforthe human body,asthe body recovers during sleep.Doctors recommend thatan adultshould sleep 7-9 hourspernightonaverage,butforvariousreasons,weoftenfailtodoso. Afteradayfulofactivitiesthatstrainthew holebody,the body,and especialy the brain,needsrestto eliminate the toxic residues acumulated during the day. Apparently,the brain rests during sleep and maintains activeonlyfunctionsthatarees entialforsurvival,butin reality itsactivity isvery com plex also during the night. During sleep,the brain releasesa growth hormone that helpsregeneratetis ues,musclesandbones;andrenews neuralconnectionsforanew day. Method of administration: 1 capsule in the evening before going to bed.Itisonly recommended forpeople from theageof16. M adeinGermany 7041 51 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY