Life Care Catalogue Spring - Summer 2024

Horsetail is a plant known and used since antiquity,extrem ely rich in m inerals,the m ost importantbeing silca also known asthe beauty m ineral. Silca stim ulates the production of colagen which isveryimportantformaintaining thebeautyandhealthofhairandskin. Itsefectsonthebodyareverystrong,beingone ofthe mostefective remediesforregeneration and rejuvenation.The youth ofthe skin and the vitality ofthe strandsofhairare determined by thepresenceofthismineral. 3 in 1 Shampoo,ShowerGeland Bubble Bath, with Panthenoland PHYTOCOMPLEX ofHorsetail, Life Care® preventspremature aging ofthe skin andisagoodremedyforbritlehair,strengthens the strands ofhair,combats hairbreakage and splitends. M adeinGermany •3in1use •Foraltypesofhair •Skin-friendlyPH 3 in 1 Sham poo,ShowerGel and Bubble Bath,with Panthenoland PHYTOCOMPLEX of Horsetail,Life Care® healthandbeautyofhairandskin 500 ml € 12.49 4107 102 BEAUTYANDPERSONALCARE