Life Care Catalogue Spring - Summer 2024

Only 5.59€inMONTH 3 throughtheW elcomeProgram! Detailsonpages151-153. Snailsare notharmed in the recolting proces. € 18.99 100 ml Gel,w ith Snailextract,Life Care® recoveryandbeauty A complex of ingredients for skin regeneration, with a special ingredient:Poly-helixan orsnailextract.Ithelpshydrate the skin and visibly im proves scaring.Snailextractis rich in calcium carbonate, alantoin,enzym es,vitam inA,CandE,elastinandcolagen. M adeinGermany Itstim ulatesskin regeneration restorative efect on skin afected by scars, iritations, sunburns, desquam ation,pim ples,acne,spots,stretchm arksandw rinkles. Increasesskin elasticity itgives the skin brightnes and hydration and visibly im proves scars, preventsthe developmentofskin-damaging bacteria and so thesand reducesiritationafterepilation,shavingorsunexposure. € 14.99 100 ml Kräuter® Cream with m ineralsalts remineralizingefect Specialy designed to provide thorough skin care,itcontains aloe vera, active m oisturizing agents and precious vegetable lipids such as shea buter,cocoabuter,almondoilandvitamins. The cream with mineralsaltsdoesnotcontain perfume and dyes,so itis recommended even for people with sensitive skin, who might have alergiesoriritationwhenincontactwiththeseingredients. Itcontainsover96activeelem entsandm inerals,w hichhelptorem ineralize theskin,indicatedforderm atitisandeczem a. lasttim e in catalog M adeinGermany •intensive care •normalizesthePH oftheskin •rem ineralizescels •protectsagainstpolutingfactors •intensivelyhydratesverydryskin 4102 4046 Mineral salts from the Atlantic Ocean PRESENT. 30% 119 BEAUTYANDPERSONALCARE