BioHAUS® Spray w ith chlorine and active oxygen, 100ml canbeusedin anyenvironment and space BioHAUS® Spray w ith chlorine and active oxygen, 500ml canbeusedin anyenvironment and space € 8.49 100 ml € 3.99 Size:30cm x30cm Honeycombweave W eight:30g Color:grey € 17.99 500 ml 9392 Microfibertowel,super absorbent,Life Care® highabsorptionpower 30000 9394 Payatention to the details, because theym ake the diference! Did you know that. Thebiggestadvantageofm icrof ibersistheireaseofcare.Thisfabricis easiertowash,isofahigherqualityanddriesfasterthancoton. M icrof iberabsorbsexces m oisture from any surface faster,reducing dryingtim ew ithoutleavingm arks M icrof iberiscapable ofabsorbing up to 7 timesmore waterthan it weighs! absorbsup to3 timesmore waterthan afabricwith the same surface areaofordinarycoton M icrof iber products should not be washed at high temperatures becausetheirdegradationpointisat60degrees. donotusefabricsoftenerorbleachonmicrof iber,asitcandamagethe absorbencyofthef ibers washingbeforeuseincreasesabsorbency Theuseofsuchasprayaimstosanitizeandeliminate the bacteria existing on surfacesand,im plicitly,their transmis iontothehands,faceandeyes,thesebeing themostsensitiveareasofthebody. Methodofuse:Apply2-3spraysofsolutionandwipe thedesiredsurfacefor30seconds. M adeinGermany Thesuperabsorbentmicrof ibertowelisusefulforcleaninganysurface in yourhome,off ice orcar,and thanksto itshigh absorbencyyou can quicklywipeupspiledliquidoranydirtfrom anysurface. 130 HOMECAREPRODUCTS NEW! 25% DISCOUNT 15% DISCOUNT 20% DISCOUNT