Life Care Catalogue Spring - Summer 2024

Only 3.29€inMONTH 1 throughtheW elcomeProgram! Detailsonpages151-153. Regenerating bodycream ,with BIO m ountain arnica,Life Care® skinregeneration 4440 ArnicaMontanahasan emolient,stimulating action on peripheral circulation and an astringent and decongestiveefect.Specialextractsofarnicam ontana, olive oiland avocado oilfrom biologicaly controled environments provide muscle relaxation and tis ue recovery. M adeinGermany •stim ulatesperipheralcirculation •helpscelregeneration •providestoneandelasticity •slowsdowntheskinageingproces € 10.49 250 ml Recoverygel,„Knitbone”, with com frey and BIO plants, Life Care® posttraum atic 4450 Itisnotable foritshigh contentofmenthol extracts, organic com frey, organic vine, lemongras and organic ginseng, plants knownfortheirbenef icialpropertiesincase ofminorinjuries. M adeinGermany •organicingredients •astringentandsoothingproperties •quickrecovery •skinregeneration € 11.49 250 ml 12 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY 4420 € 10.99 250 ml The combination ofjojoba oiland BIO avocado oilis es entialforyourskin, while BIO calendula has impres ive efectsontheskin. M adeinGermany •hydratestheskin •richvitam inEcontent •organicingredients •soothesandhelpshealminorburns •intenseanddeepcare Bodycream ,with BIO calendula,Life Care® calmingefect