Life Care Catalogue Spring - Summer 2024

1400 NutriBlender Drink& GO! Innovativedesignthathidesitself w ith incredible eff iciency. Ordinatesthespeedofthewind shakestheingredientsandthe rem ovabletankalsocanbeapplied toourselvesreadytoshake. € 47.99 *f ixprice 500ml+300ml inschool/ atwork/ whilejogging/ whengoingoutforawalkwithourfriendsW HEREVERW EGO WEAL WANTTOBE IN GREATSHAPEEVERYSINGLEDAY: Todaywe skip breakfast,tom orow breakfastand lunch ordinner . intime,althismes =POORHEALTH! eathealthyeveryday, gaintimeforyourchoresduringtheday, Sm oothie MANIA byLife Care® isan innovating concept, aim ed athanding to you on a platereverything you need, while YOU and those you love: Do"SOMETHING GOOD"foryourhealthandthehealthofthepeopleyoucarefor! Sm oothie MANIA "Everythingchangesaroundus,wehavetoadaptaswelbodyandlifestyle to "speed mode".Itisimportantto take care ofusand ourdiet.In the fast dailyNew SmoothieMANIA conceptcomestoyouraidwiththesolution:fast, health,speedandcreativity.W hatyoucandomorethanyoucanSIMPLEand HEALTHYPREPARATIONS!" W ith love Dr.Iren Alexoinutritionistand dietician Tested by nutritionists andexperiencedbenef its by 138 NUTRITIONANDSPORT