Life Care Catalogue Spring - Summer 2024

THIS DEVICE HAS AN POW ER CABLE THEDEVICE HAS AN USB CABLE Arom a DifuserLife Care® LED difuserwithvariouscolours Socketadapter forAroma DifuserW hite Thedeviceiscarefulydesignedtospread the aromasyou like.In the specialplace forliquid,youshouldpourupto50 mlof waterwith 2-4 dropsofnaturales ential oil,depending on yourpreferencesand needs.Aromaemanatesasalightsmoke thatwilf iltheroom withthetherapeutic propertiesofthe es entialoilused.The device is made of high quality white plastic, f ited w ith LEDs to create a pleasantambienceintheroom. Arom a DifuserCeram ic Life Care® Device ceramicdifuser Thedeviceisspecialydesigned to perfume the entire room and hum idifyair.Inthespecialplace forliquid,youshouldpourupto 100 mlofwaterwith 2-4 drops of natural esential oil, depending on yourpreferences and needs.Aroma emanatesas a lightsmoke thatwil f il the room with the therapeutic properties of the es entialoil used. The device is made of m ateblackceram icm aterialfor greater elegance and is equippedwithanightlight. € 121.99 € 57.99 € 3.99 4612 4616 4614 20 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY