Life Care Catalogue Spring - Summer 2024

Vitam in C,1000m g,Life Care® prolongedrelease The dietary supplementpreventsVitamin C def iciency,helpsprotectcelsfrom oxidative stres ,w hile m aintaining the body'sresistance to variousdiseasesor infections. TheidealquantityofBIO Vitam inC,from organicalygrow nacerolafruit,bringsan EXTRA DOSE to the body foran excelentfunctioning ofthe organs.Vitamin C (ascorbicacid)ispartofthegroupofwater-solublevitam ins.Itisoneofthem ost com m on vitam ins. The ascorbic acid is an organic acid w ith antioxidant properties.ThebodycannotsynthesizeitsownVitaminC,whichiswhyitmustbe takenfrom foodorothersources.Beingsensitivetolight,heatandwatervapor, Vitamin C is needed in the formation ofcolagen,a protein thatstrengthens bones,cartilages,muscles and blood ves els,and contributes to the proper maintenanceofcapilaries,bonesandteeth. M ethodofadministration:1tabletperday. Recommendedonlyforpersons from 16yearsofage. M adeinGermany € 10.49 30tablets MagicSuperFood,37 es ential nutrients,Life Care® energyandvitam inization 30tablets € 9.49 Pure ingredients, cold pressed, without added excipients pres edunder 40oC Did you know thatthe M agicSuperFood and itsmagic form ulagiveyouthedailyintakeofes entialnutrients, com ing from naturalsources,thatare neces aryforan idealdoseofenergyandvitaminizationofthebody? The rich and complexrecipe comesto youraid with a combinationof37naturalingredientsthatcomplement thedailyintakeofvitaminsandenergysothatyouare alwaysinyourbestshape. M ethodofadministration: onetabletper dayisrecommended. M adeinGermany 7008 •37nutrientsinonetablet •dailyenergyandvitaminrequirements •strengthenstheimmunesystem •supportsthehealthofthenervous, boneandmusclesystem 764 22 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY