Life Care Catalogue Spring - Summer 2024

DE-ÖKO-007 € 23.99 15 ml Oil,Pure Oregano Oil,Life Care® supportsthebodyinanaturalway The propertiesofthisnaturaloiloforeganoare due to the active principle caled carvacrol, w hich manages to destroy the bacteria in our immune system. TheexclusiveW ildOreganoOilformulaworksonthe wholebodyandcanbeadministeredbothinternaly andexternaly. Itis only used diluted with water,olive oil,milk, honeyorjuice. Dilution ratio:1:20-1:50 (1:20- one partoregano oil/20partsproductwithwhichtodilute;1:50-one part oregano oil/50 parts product with which to dilute). M adeinGermany •exclusiveformulawithwildoreganooil •widecoveragespectrum •internal/externaluse •supportsthebodyinanaturalway 23 concentrated product HEALTHANDIMMUNITY 11% 4053 DISCOUNT