Life Care Catalogue Spring - Summer 2024

MagneBeHappy,with m agnesium and vitam in B6,Life Care® f ightingof stres Themagnesium def icienciesarecommon,that is why the dietary supplement based on M agnesium and Vitamin B6 is benef icialin criticalsituations,being excelentin f ighting of stres ,fatigue,anxietyorinsom nia. •helpsmaintainphysicalandmentaltone •strengthenstheskeletal,nervousand m uscularsystem s •m aintainsheartrate,m uscleandnervous functionsundernormalconditions M ethodofadm inistration:2capsules/ dayarerecommended,onlyfor peoplefrom theageof15. M adeinGermany € 11.99 30capsules 1506 7089 500 ml € 26.99 Colagen BoosterLiquid Dietary Supplem entforJointswith Vitam in D3 and Organicrosehips,Life Care® providesstrengthtojoints,m uscles,hairandskin Itisa dietary supplementwith multiple benef itsforhair, skin and nails,m aintains skin elasticity and reduces f ine wrinkles.Italso helpsimprove mobilty and helpsreduce jointdiscom fort. Colagenisthemostabundantproteininourbodyanditis found in most tis ues of the human body.Colagen is naturalypresentinthem uscle,boneandjointsystem ,skin andbloodves els,digestiveandcirculatorysystem . Method ofadministration:20 ml/day are recommended.Pregnantwomen,lactating womenandchildrenunder12yearsofage must use it only based on doctor's recommendation. M adeinItaly Only 12.99€inMONTH 4 throughtheW elcomeProgram! Detailsonpages151-153. •maintainsthehealthofthebone, m uscleandjointsystem •providesstrengthtotheskin, hairandnails •improvesmetabolism •strongantioxidantefect 36 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY