Life Care Catalogue Spring - Summer 2024

1128 891 67 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY 50 ml € 38.99 Com plexofm ineralsand trace elem ents,Life Care® dailyintakeofm ineralsandtraceelements The “miracle”from the ocean waterissuc es fuly replacing the minerals and oligoelements def iciencies and has unsuspected benef itsforthe organism.Itisrecommended to take 0.5 mlin a glas ofwaterand up to maximum 5 mlperday.Foraprecise and easydosing,useagraduatedpipete. M adeinGermany 60 ml € 104.99 Stabilized oxygen m oleculesLife Care® maintainsmetabolicburns ContainsmoleculesofBIO oxygen,being manufactured by a specialtechnique of separating the electrolytic negative charged molecules.The dropsofOxygen Life added in a glas ofwaterorother liquidsreach the digestive system where they release the oxygen molecules, providing a deep oxygenation of the entire body.Itis recommended thatthe dropsareaddedinaglas ofwater (orotherliquids),asdescribed onthelabel. M adeinCanada