OrganicChlorela,Life Care® es entialnutrients Chlorela is a microalga, which is considered to be a natural superfood,extremely nutritiousand rich in proteins,vitaminsand minerals thatcan be consumed in the form oftablets orpowder addedinvarioussmoothies. Itis said to be the greenestalga on Earth,due to its very high chlorophylcontent,itisverysmalandgrowsinfreshwater.Thehigh chlorophyl content has a major role in the proces es of cel detoxif ication and oxygenation of the body, elim inating toxic substancesfrom thebody,suchasheavymetals,thusimprovingthe immunesystem. Itisrecommended2-5tabletsperday foradultsand1tabletperdayforchildren from 6yearsofage. M adeinGermany € 8.99 60tablets DE-ÖKO-007 7075 Sm okersAid Detox,with arctium rootand BIO artichoke,Life Care® detoxw ithartichoke The mix ofherbshasa strong efectofpulmonary,gastric, intestinalandaupperrespiratorytractdetoxif ication.Arctium rootorburdockwasconsideredaremedyforbloodcleansing, and recentresearch conf irms this.Burdock neutralizes free radicalsintheblood,helpseliminateureaandotherresidual substancesfrom the body much faster,regulateshormones, helps maintain orrestore normalintestinalf lora.Artichoke leaveshaveadiuretic,cholereticandhepaticantitoxicaction, andlowerbloodcholesterolevels. •vegetarianproduct •detoxif iesthebody •containsorganicartichoke Itisrecommended1-2 capsulesperdayduring m eals,forpeopleover 16yearsofage. M adeinGermany € 10.99 30capsules 746 72 WEIGHTLOS ANDDETOXIFICATION