DigestionPlusisadietarysupplementthat,throughits balancedcomposition,canhelpthedigestionproces in al itsstages:im proving intestinaltransitand restoring the saprophytic f lora.The product,thatis based on papaya,BIO aloe vera and f lax seeds,is a complex source of f ibers and enzymes needed to faciltate digestion: •helpstorestorethe saprophyticf lora •digestiveaid •bowelcleansing Itisrecommended2spoonsper day,forpeopleover12yearsof age.Itcanbecombinedwith waterorjuice. MadeinUSA Digestion PlusLiquid Digestion Food Supplem entwith OrganicAloe Vera and Papaya,Life Care® faciltatesdigestion € 36.49 473 ml lasttim e in catalog 845 NO.1 Digestive Enzym e,with brom elain and papain,Life Care® supportsthedigestivesystem Stim ulates,stabilzes and optim izes the digestive tract perfectly,and due to its increased bioavailabilty it is absorbed optimaly and quickly by the body.The unique formula ofthismulti-enzyme complexcontributesto the optimization ofdigestion,metabolicbalance,weightlos proces andincreasesthetolerancetoglutenandlactose. It is recommended 2 capsules a day after eating,for personsfrom the ageof16years. M adeinGermany 30capsules € 13.99 7047 77 WEIGHTLOS ANDDETOXIFICATION