Life Care Catalogue Spring - Summer 2024

7045 L-Carnitine, Life Care® is a supplement that can contribute to turning fat into energy. It covers a wide spectrum in maintaining a healthy body and is recommendedin weightlos ,vegetarian diets,people with intense physicaland m entalactivity,athletesbefore and after workout,andpeoplewithheartdiseases. M ethod ofadministration:1-2 capsules/ day are recommended,only forpeople from theageof16. M adeinGermany € 10.99 30capsules L-Carnitine,Life Care® ac eleratesfatburning Only 3.89€inMONTH 2 throughtheW elcomeProgram! Detailsonpages151-153. Slim Me forweight los ,with BIO green tea extract,Life Care® suppres esfatstorage SlimMe forweightlos ,with BIO green tea extract,Life Care® is a vegan, natural, concentrated combination of4 ingredientsthat can speed up fatmetabolism and inhibitappetite,leading to faster fat burning in a natural and healthyway. • inhibitsappetite • preventsthefatstorage • regulateslipidm etabolism , apowerfulantioxidant • concentratedformula Itisrecommended 2capsulesper dayforpeopleover 18yearsofage. M adeinGermany € 14.99 30capsules 7016 78 WEIGHTLOS ANDDETOXIFICATION