Life Care Catalogue Spring - Summer 2024

21199 Atskin level,hyaluronicacid mustkeep young and healthy the m ostim portantcharacteristics of the epidermis: supplenes , elasticity and tonicity.Its insuff iciency leads to w rinkles and folds.The active principlesofthiscombination ofhyaluronicacid and colagen helpskeep the skinfreshandelastic,butalsobeautifulhairand nails.1 capsule perday is recommended for personsover15. M adeinGermany Capsules,with Hyaluron & Colagen Com plex,Life Care® dietarysupplementforhairandnails 15capsules € 8.99 87 BEAUTYANDPERSONALCARE Quicklyregain the youth ofyourskin! 5 STEPSto create beauty! BeautyExpertKit -yearsofrejuvenationforyourskin! Thisdevicefocuseson5STEPS: 1.Deep CLEANING 2.Intense HYDRATION 3.Firm LIFTING 4.BrightlookEYECARE +ANEW STEP 5. DelicateMAS AGE calmsandrelievesskinrednes andacneproblems,the skinbecomingf irm anddelicatetothetouch. Thanks to these 5 specif ic programs,with this device you can combine the action ofions,infrared rays,blue LED lightandm icrofacialm as age-forclean,hydrated, toned,radiantandf irm skin. modern,elegantdesign veryeasytouseandcary shorttimetocompletethestages TheNEW m ultifunctionaldeviceCaptainBeauty, state-of-the-artdevice-restorestheyouthoftheskin! Tryitnow!