Life Care Catalogue Spring - Summer 2024

6% DISCOUNT The Body cream , Treasured Rose, with BIO Rose water,Life Care® is specialy created to provide skin com plex care: it m oisturizes in depth,provides protection against externalfactors,givingsoftnes and aradiantlook. M adeinGermany Body cream ,Treasured Rose,with BIO Rose water, Life Care® com plexcare € 14.99 200 ml An iresistible productyou musthave!Its soft foam with f inef loralscentwilrelaxandpam per you every day. The creamy formula gently cleanses,preventsdehydrationandsupportsthe restorationofthenaturalskinprotectionbarier. M adeinGermany Itis importantto love and care forevery partofour body.The skin in the axilaryarearequirespropercare. Unpleasantodors and sweating are justsome ofthe problemsyoumayencounterifyouneglectthisareaof yourbodyanddonotprovideproperhygieneandcare. Naturaldeo,TreasuredRose,w ith BIO plants,Life Care® youneed-withagentleactionthatisbasedonnatural and organic ingredients,enriched with a mixture of activeingredientsthatactsynergisticaly,balancingthe sweatingproces .Itcaresforsensitiveskinandw rapsit inasubtlearomaofroses. M adeinItaly 2 in 1 ShowerGeland Bubble Bath,Treasured Rose, w ith BIO rose water,Life Care® BIO rosewater € 8.99 50 ml Naturaldeo,Treasured Rose, w ith BIO plants,Life Care® withoutaluminum saltsandalcohol € 11.99 200 ml 21246 21247 21257 4% DISCOUNT 111 BEAUTYANDPERSONALCARE lasttim e in catalog lasttim e in catalog lasttim e in catalog