Life Care Catalogue Spring - Summer 2024

3 in 1 Liquid soap,with lavenderand BIO herbs, Life Care® relaxesthesenses € 8.49 500 ml The new BIO plants and lavender oil form ula has triple action: liquid soap, shower gel and bubble bath. Natural ingredients moisturize the body and hands’skin,leaving anice lavenderscent al overthe skin,even afterrinse. The specialcreated form ula also works as a bubblebath,releasingarelaxinglavender scent that calms the senses and the nervoussystem.Lavender,oneofthebest knownarom aticplantsusedsinceancient tim esfordailycareorlaundrywash,ofers physicaland m ental relaxation,sooths nervous tensions and energeticaly balances theorganism. M adeinGermany LIQUID SOAP SHOWER GEL BUBBLE BATH TRIPLE EFECT Liquid soap,with BIO cham om ile and calendula,Life Care® soothingandregenerating Only 3.29€inMONTH 1 throughtheW elcomeProgram! Detailsonpages151-153. € 7.49 500 ml Idealforfrequentuse,dry andsensitive skin.The organicchamomileand m arigoldf lowersinthe soap'scompositionare knownfortheir rem arkableskinsoothing andregenerating properties. M adeinGermany 114 BEAUTYANDPERSONALCARE 4000 4104