UniversalM agicCloth, Life Care® ECOnom icalternativeforcleaning IMPORTANT! Rinse the cloth in tap water,squeeze itvery wel,and clean orpolish the desired surface. Ifyou notice slighttracesof waterafterwiping,justwait forittoevaporate. € 13.49 MadeinRomania Size:33cm x30cm 2pcs/ package •istheECOnom icalternative forcleaning •canbeusedonanysurface •leavesnotracesonwiped surfaces •canbecleanedinthe washingmachine 2 PCS/ PACK W indow cleaner,Life Care® antistaticefect Itisrecommendedforcleaning glas ,plasticandteracotasurfaces w ithoutleavingtraces. •quickdrying •gentleontheskin •100% recycled packaging M adeinGermany € 10.99 500 ml Only 3.89€inMONTH 2 throughtheW elcomeProgram! Detailsonpages151-153. PACKAGE 100% RECYCLED 980 9396 4% DISCOUNT ECODETERGENT www.ecocert.com 131 HOMECAREPRODUCTS