Life Care Catalogue Spring - Summer 2024

•100% natural •withoutdyes •no artif icialf lavours RO-ECO-008 Unrefined Organic Brown Sugar,Life Care® 100% natural MadeinRomania 100 g € 1.29 1312 Life Care® cup *f ixedprice € 7.99 7887 M ealBalance® ECO instant cerealdrink with chicory idealalternativefortea,cofeeandcocoa M adeinSw itzerland CH-BIO-004 TheOrganicinstantcerealdrinkw ithchicoryM ealBalance® isanexcelent substitute forone ofthe mostconsumed drinks in the world,cofee. Chicorycanbethedailymorningdrink!Chicoryisconsideredanexcelent naturalremedy,duetoitsproperties.Itcanbeconsumedbothbeforemeal and thuspreventsindigestion and bloating,and throughoutthe day by invigoratingthemindandthepsyche. 50 g € 11.49 Chicoryrootisrichininulin,aprebioticf iberthathelpsinweightlos andimproves intestinalhealth. Rye removes toxins from the body, gives a feeling of satiety and supports gastrointestinalhealth. Barleyhelpslowercholesterolandf ibersdecreasetheappearanceofcardiovascular disease. M altis rich in vitam ins and m inerals,m aintains m uscle health,prevents anem ia, regulatesbloodpres ureandimprovesthefunctioningofthenervoussystem. 7808 142 NUTRITIONANDSPORT