Life Care Catalogue Spring - Summer 2024

Cofee forlife Ganoderm a® Strong Ganoderm a ECO Cofee The cafeine stimulates the functions of the heart, circulation and the m etabolism .The certif ied organic ganoderma,ensuressuperiorkidneyprotection and an increased immunity,defense,as wel as the levelof antioxidants,who are running asa barieragainstthe prematureagingproces es. M adeinSw itzerland Ganoderma Lucidum is also caled "the fungus of immortalityorthegreatimmuneprotector'? Increaseslongevity,vitality and energy ofthe whole body Reishiis3 timesricherin antioxidantscompared to blueberies? Ithas3timestheironcontentofspinach? Contains7timesmorevitaminCthananorange? Did you know that.? Cofee forlife Ganoderma® MagicEnergy ECO Cofee This100% certif ied ORGANIC ingredientsare anadditionalguaranteeofqualityandhealth! The ganoderma and ginseng are wel-known fortheirtonicandrestorativeefect,rem oving the sensation oftirednes ,and stimulating of the im m une system and the heartactivity,but also to slow down the proces ofpremature aging. M adeinSw itzerland 50 g € 17.49 CH-BIO-004 50 g € 17.49 143 NUTRITIONANDSPORT 7805 7806