Life Care Catalogue Spring - Summer 2024

14 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY M adeinGermany Muscle and jointpain can oc urform anyreasons: Physicalfatigue: intenseorrepeatedphysical activitycould lead to m uscle and jointpain.Fatigue can cause m icro-injuryto m uscle and jointtis ue,leading to painandinf lam m ation. Injuries: injuriesortraumatomuscles and joints can cause pain. These can include sprains, strains, muscle tears or cartilagedam age. Poorposture: incorectpostureoveralong period of time can put presure on muscles and joints,leading to pain.For example, prolonged siting can cause m uscle and joint pain. Inflam m ation: inf lam m ation is the body's naturalresponse to injuryor infection. It can afect muscles and joints,causing discomfortandpain. Stres and anxiety: stres and anxiety can contribute to muscle and joint pain. Emotional presure can cause excesive muscle contraction and aggravate existingsym ptom s. Period cram ps areacommonconditionthat afectsmany women during theirperiod.Itusualyoc urs beforeorduringthef irstfew days of menstruation and can involve a range of symptoms,including painful abdominal cramps or discom fort. Only 3.29€inMONTH 1 throughtheW elcomeProgram! Detailsonpages151-153. Theefectiveandeasy-to-usesolutionthatw il helpyoufeelyourbestagain! Ingredients:active charcoal,eucalyptus,ginseng • directlyactingonm uscle,jointandperiodpain • relaxesmusclesandimprovesmobilty • provideapleasantfeelingofsoothing 4097 Heating patches, MINERALPOW ER,Life Care® aleviatesm uscle,jointandperiodpain € 8.99 14% DISCOUNT 5 pcs Balm ,“Grandm a'scure”, w ith BIO plants,Life Care® againstheadaches Theconcentratedcombinationof eucalyptusoil,peppermintoil,rosemary oil,organicalmondoilandsheabuter canhelprelieveheadaches. Itgivesapleasantandrefreshing sensationwhenapplied.Itcanbeused veryeasily,bym as agingthetem ples withslow movements. € 7.99 15 ml 4405 • soothesheadaches • clearstheairways • invigorationandcalmnes feeling HEATING EFFECT