Life Care Catalogue Spring - Summer 2024

15 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY 4460 Insectspray,ProtektSpray,w ith citronela and BIO plants,Life Care® keepinsectsatbay Thehumidityandheatofthesummermonthsarethe insects’haven.Al they need isan open window to getinside the house and,from thereon,the “hunt” begins.Ifyou wantto win this batle,look forthe m osteff icient“weapons". PROTECT YOURSELF AGAINST INSECTS IN A HEALTH MANNER! Spray iton the exposed skin,and the insects wil keep theirdistance.Ifyou forgotto use itbefore,it can help afterwards to calm the skin after insect bites. •Itcom binesorganicplants,suchasaloevera,olives, lavender,as wel as lemongras ,fora specialskin protectionandcare; •isabsorbedrapidlyandleavestheskinverysmooth; •hasaverypleasantsmel. Suitable for the entire fam ily, including the sensitive skin ofchildren! M adeinItaly DOUBLEEF ECT protectsagainstinsect stings+ soothesiritated skin afterinsectbites € 8.99 50 ml