Life Care Catalogue Spring - Summer 2024

860 € 25.49 237 ml Liquid Food Supplem entwith Vitam in Cand Calcium forthe Im m une System ,Life Care® strengthenstheimmunesystem Powerfulantioxidant,whichhelpsthe weakenedbodyf ightagainstfreeradicals. Italsohelpsrelievecolds. •strengthenstheimmunesystem •f ightagainstfreeradicals •relievescoldsymptoms •contributestoiron absorptioninthebody Itisrecommendedone tablespoonperday. MadeinUSA 7080 •helpsf ixcalcium inthebones •m aintainsthehealthofthem uscularsystem •contributestothehealthofbonesandteeth Onedropperdayis,from theageof1year. M adeinGermany Es entialfoodsupplementforthenormalgrowth and development of bones, teeth and the immunesystem forlitleones. Vitam in D3,dropsforchildren, 400 IU,Life Care® maintainsbonehealth € 13.49 4% DISCOUNT 25 ml 30 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY MultiPlusVitKIDS,with vitam insand calcium for children,Life Care® complexformulathatises ential fordevelopment € 14.99 W anting the best for our children, we have conceived a special recipe based on multiple vitamins (C,E,B1,B2,B3,B5,B6 and D3)and calcium,neces aryforahealthygrowth. •importantroleinthemetabolicenergy •sustainsthenormalfunctionof thenervoussystem W e recommend 1-2 capsulesa day,preferably to be consumed during meals,starting with the age of3years M adeinGermany 30tablets 7620 lasttim e in catalog lasttim e in catalog Does not contain sugar / gluten.