Life Care Catalogue Spring - Summer 2024

Muscle crampsoc urwhen a muscle contractsinvoluntarilyand forcibly,w iththeim pos ibiltyofrelaxation.M usclesbindingtwo joints(w rists)are the m ostprone to contracting.M uscle cram ps varyinintensityfrom asim plespasm toanexcruciatingpain.The durationofthemusclecrampcangofrom afew secondsupto15 minutesormore. The optimal composition of ingredientssuchasM agnesium, Vitamin B6, Potas ium and Vitamin E helps the optimal as im ilation ofproteinsand fats and acts benef icialy on the nervoussystem. Itisrecommended one capsule perdayforpeopleover16years of age. M adeinGermany Happy&RelaxMuscle,with potas ium , m agnesium and vitam in B6,Life Care® reducesmusclecramps 30capsules € 10.49 7007 € 8.99 Calcium and Magnesium CoralCom plex,Life Care® m aintainstheskeletalsystem Only 3.29€inMONTH 1 throughtheW elcomeProgram! Detailsonpages151-153. TheCalcium andM agnesium CoralCom plex,LifeCare® isasupplement neces aryform aintainingthehealthoftheskeletalsystem andteeth, which contributesto the normalfunctioning ofthe muscularsystem, energymetabolism andthenormalfunctioningofdigestiveenzymes. Itisrecommendedonecapsuleperdayforpeopleover15yearsofage. M adeinGermany 30capsules 774 42 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY