Life Care Catalogue Spring - Summer 2024

ProstaNEW,with pine phytosterols and pum pkin seeds,Life Care® m aintainstheurinarytracthealth ProstaNEW,w ithpinephytosterols andpum pkinseeds.LifeCare® containsanaturalcomplexbasedon pinephytosterols,pumpkinseed extract,tom ato,broc oliand pom egranateextract,w iththerole ofhelpingandsupportingtheurinary tractduetoitsantioxidant properties. •naturalplantcom plex •supportstheurinarysystem •improvesprostateconditions •strongantioxidantefect M adeinGermany 30capsules € 15.99 7048 UroBlock Com plex, with D-m annose and cranberies,Life Care® optimalfunctioningof theurinarysystem UroBlockComplex,with D-mannose and cranberies, Life Care® is based on a special formula that combines ingredients such as D-Mannose, cranberies and Vitamin C, known for theirbenef icialefectsonthebody. •contributestomaintainingthehealth oftheurinarytract •im provesbladderactivity •contributestosupportingtheimmune system andtheskeletalsystem Administer2capsules/day. Recommendedonlyforpersonsfrom the ageof16. M adeinGermany 7052 30capsules € 16.49 3% DISCOUNT 51 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY