Life Care Catalogue Spring - Summer 2024

DE-ÖKO-007 •m aintainscelularhealth •powerfulantioxidant •immunesupport •digestiveaid TheUNIQUE100% vegetableandnaturalformula,composedoforganic graviolafruitjuice,organicseabuckthornjuiceandorganicapplejuice, representsasourceofhealthforthebody. Thedietarysupplementhasbenef icialefectsonmetabolism,canslow downtheagingproces ofcelsandmaintaincelularhealth. Itisrich in vitamin C,potas ium,magnesium,omega3,6,7,9 and other vitam ins.Itisapowerfulantioxidantandm etabolicsystem booster. A maintenancedoseof30mlperday/adultisrecommendedfor peopleover3yearsofage(thedailydoseforchildrenis calculatedac ordingtotheirweight). M adeinGermany 500 ml OrganicAntioxidantGraviola,Horse Chestnutand Apple Mix,Life Care® m aintainscelularhealth € 31.99 7010 Turm eriCool,with piperine and curcum in,Life Care® removestoxinsfrom thebody The Turm eriCool,w ith piperine and curcum in,Life Care®,a supplementwith a proportion of95% curcumin,the PURE extractofturmeric,butalso with a specialrecipe,a com bination thatgreatly increasesthe eff iciency ofthe ingredientin the body.Bioperine or piperine is a black pepper extractthathelpsthe as im ilation ofcurcum in in the blood, increasing its biovalidity by up to 2000% .OfAsianorigin,turm ericcanincreasethe liver's abilty to elim inate toxins, can im prove blood circulation, neuronalproces es and can have hepatoprotective properties*.It can have antioxidant,antibacterialand anti-inf lam m atory benefits. Itisrecommended 1capsuleperday, afterm eals,for peopleover 15yearsofage. M adeinGermany COMPLEX FORMULA: CURCUMIN + PIPERINE = INCREASED EFFECT! COMPLEX FORMULA € 15.49 20capsules 7012 52 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY