Life Care Catalogue Spring - Summer 2024

Antioxidant,with vitam ins and coenzym e Q10,Life Care® forhealthheart Coenzyme Q10 isindispensable due to the role it plays in the production ofenergy neces ary for thenormaldevelopmentofbiochemicalproces es in the celsofthe body.W ith age,the quantityof CoenzymeQ10producedinthebodydecreases. CoenzymeQ10hasbeenshowntobeefectivein cardiovascular diseases (heart failure, m ultiple sclerosis and periodontal diseases), immune system strengthening,energyrecoveryand rapid recoveryafterworkout. CoenzymeQ10isproducednaturalybyourbody, buta disorganized lifestyle can afectus,thatis whyitisveryimportanttoadjustitinorderto: M ethod of administration: 1 capsule/day is recommended,onlyforpeoplefrom theageof16. •preventheartdiseases •f ightagainstprematureaging •f ightagainstfreeradicals Itisrecommendedonecapsuleperday. M adeinGermany € 11.99 30capsules 743 7600 € 8.49 30capsules Garlicand Parsley,Life Care® lowersbloodpres ureandcholesterol The Garlic and Parsley uses the properties of garlic and parsley,that areknownfortheirbenef icialefectsin lowering blood presure and cholesterol.Thecomplexofingredients can stabilze high blood pres ure and disintegrate cholesterol deposits on thevascularwals. •disintegratescholesteroldeposits •detoxifyingefect •stabilzesbloodpres ure •lowersbloodpres ureandcholesterol Itisrecommended1-2capsulesperday forpeopleover15yearsofage. M adeinGermany 54 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY